Tuesday, January 20, 2015

''I Loved Someone That Didn't Love Me''

‘’I Loved Someone That Didn't Love Me’’, was written anonomysly. It was best for the writer to keep it anonomys because in the story he explains his emotions for someone he likes and how he got his heart broken. It all started in May 2005 when he was still freshman in high school. He was looking around to find an old friend that changed school in grade 6 and was hoping that they landed in the same high school. He forgot what she looked like but remembered her first name. So he started asking around for someone with the same name but got nothing. He finally thought he found her but ended up being the wrong person. He just gave up and just started talking to this girl that he thought was her. It turns out that they have similar things in common. They started talking a lot and became friends. Throughout the year they spent a lot of time together and eventually became best friends. They told each other everything. Their dreams, hopes, wishes, goals, everything. He never really thought of her as anything more than a best friend. Summer soon began and ended, and they became high school sophomores. It was very rough for him but she was always there for him, always by his side. 2006 came where he thought everything would be the same, but it wasn’t. After coming back to school from winter vacation, he started having feelings for her. He tried denying it and tried stopping but it didn’t work. His feelings started growing and growing. He couldn’t control any of it, and one day he snapped. He bumped in to her and they started talking, he told her how he felt and everything. That wasn’t the worst part. The worst part is her reaction. She thought that he became close to her just to get with her and that he lost all her trust. She started ignoring him for 3 month while he trying to talk. They finally started talking but it wasn’t the same. He says hi and bye but can’t really look her in the eye and have a conversation. She now has a boyfriend and him happy for her but not jealous, he just wishes that he could go back to that day and not tell her everything. They are friends now, but not like they used to be. He lost his best friend

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