Friday, October 24, 2014

Treasure what you have!

Hello. I’ve just read the most regretfull story that I’ve ever read in my life. The story was about a man who has been single for years, but every year on Christmas his ex-girlfriend would fly from Vancouver to come and see him because she still had feelings for him an she was hoping to solve things between her and him. Al tho, every year when she would come to visit he would use one of his girl friends to pose as his girlfriend so the Vancouver girl would think that he has moved on,  but she just never seemed to give up. However, years after trying the Vancouver girl just stopped coming to visit, it has been 3 years. On Christmas eve the man was invited to a friends for a party. He showed up to the party alone. He has seen one of the girls he used to pose as his girlfriend, as he tried ignoring her she yells across the room and walks up to him. She asked if he was alone, and he replied with a ‘’yes’’. The poser has said something the has woke him up and made him think. She had said, ‘’OH because you weren’t looking for one right?’’.  Right then the man new that the girl of his dreams was the Vancouver girl that has been trying to get back with him for years. The man rushed out the party, his plan was to go and call the Vancouver girl. On his way home, he starts thinking if the girl had got over him or not. Running home with regret he starts calling the girl but has difficulties. He was having trouble to call, especially sinse it was overseas. He kept trying and trying and then at 12:00 am he finally got a hold of her. He started explaining to her that he still loves her and he wants her back. By hearing crying, he then knew that she wasn’t over him. By excitement, he booked a flight to Vancouver. Sadly, 2 days before his flight, the Vancouver girls dad calls him and says that she had died from a car accident. He then started crying from regret and cursing on his luck. The moral of the story was that to never avoid something good that has been in front of you and that has been trying to get back with you for years. Treasure what you have,  time is to slow for those who wait.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Regret by judging

Once, there was a boy named Lance, and Lance was born and grew up in France. He always wore a red t-shirt and some grey pants and no one ever really gave him a chance. Let's cut to the chase and talk about his face, Lance was really ugly and had a little tummy, he walked really funny and was little grumpy. He liked this girl Jen, but she turned him down cause he didnt look like a men. Until one day Lance was tired of all of it, he lost it. Lost all weight, the grump and the walk, then he learned how to go up the girls and talk. Lance turned himself into a real men, to the point where girls asked for his number "heres the pen". He grew up to be wealthy, had a lot of money and married a beautiful honey. He had this big house with a pool in the back and a track, if you ran it all you would have cought a heart attack. Lance became famouse for owening half of Los Angeles. He was on a lot of talk shows, and would blow real nices o's, from the cigar the he usually smoked in his car cause he drove real far. Lance changed himself, he went from being a no life, that no one wanted, to having the choice of picking any girl that he could've wifed. One day Lance bumped in to Jen, and Jen saw what she could've had, but she remembered she turned him down cause he looked really bad. Lance seeing the regret in her eyes seeing the mistake that she made, and in his eyes she just backed up and started to fade. This right here is a lessin, dont judge a book by its cover or just like Jen you would have missed out on a life you would have called a blessin.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

To regret

To regret, is to feel ashamed of something that you've done or havent done. Wishing that you've never done in action or wishing that you have done something, to take a chance, an opportunity or a step. A regret could sometimes be a bad thing or sometimes be a good thing. Something you've done that could hurt someone else, something that doesnt satisfy you or something that didn't satisfy someone important like your boss, parents or boyfriend/girlfriend. It could aso be something good, by regreting something that you've done like upset someone, did something wrong or took a chance, you've learned your lessen by knowing the experience of what would happen if you made the same mistake(been there, done that). To regrets is very important because it helps people over become their fears, it helps them get through things they never thought they would do, it helps them not repeat the mistakes they made in the past. '' I live without regrets. There are certain things I have done, mistakes that I made, thats I would change, but I dont regret them at all, because I've learnt from them"-Lindsay Lohan, this quote is a very good example of how you should look towards your regrets and how you should be proud of them because it describes who you are as a person.Lets say a person named Aaron liked used to like making fun of people in grade school, but then in high school he was the one that was getting made fun of, Now Aaron's gonna feel hurt but he'll remember that he did that to other kids in grade school and now he knows how they felt. Aaron's going to regret the fact that he used to bully kids in the past because he does not like the way it looks or feels. Michelle used to like wearing makeup in grade school, but in high school she did not wear any at all. Does Michelle regret that she wore makeup? No, because wearing makeup is what let her describe herself. Regret is not always something to be ashamed of. 

Would it be a regret?

Once upon a time, a man named John, left his appartement exactly at 12:00pm everyday to go to work. Before work, John liked to grab a cup of coffee to brighten the day. Now in this coffee house their was a girl named Jane, she was a very beautiful women with her nice brune hair, baby blue eyes, nice red lipes and eyebrows were always on FLEEK. Whenever John walked in that coffee shop, she always looked at him and smilled in a amuzing way. John never told anybody that he kinda liked this women. The down part about the situation is that John has just recovered from a serious devorce in wich he does not know if he wants to get into a relationship just yet. He simply just doesn't want to make the same regret he did in the past. How will he know if it would be a regret or not? The only way to figure it out is to take that chance. After a couple long nights of thinking, John came to the conclusion that he would go and ask the girl out to a dinner. So John did so and the results were positive, the lovely Jane agreed to go out with John to a dinner. As the night has come for the dinner, John shifts rigth to Janes house and picks her up. The dinner went well and the comunication has also, surprisingly the to lovers had a lot in common. John and Jane went out a lot after that, then they got married and raised the're two little kids Jackson and Jaclin. At the end John knew that it wasn't it was not a regret to ask Jane out, but what have would happen if he did not ask her out. The moral is that you'll never know the future of your life unless you take your chances.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Regrets and how you'll avoid them again. When a person says the word regret, whats the first thing that comes to mind? Probably an ex girlfriend/boyfriend, something you did that you wish you didnt do or a choice you made. Now regrets has its ups and downs, but it helps people experience things they never wanted to do and or it helps people learn from their mistakes. Now to avoid them, it isnt that simple, because a regret could come from something you want, something you want to do or from wanting to get with someone. Now from something you want, to avoid having to regret the action of buying an object the you want, think about the future of having that object in your hands, think about if you would get bored of it or have the thought to sell it and you'll know if its worth buying. Something you want to do, a good way to avoid the regret of doing something you want to do is to think about what would happen. For example, I want to go sky diving but I am scared of heights. Will it be worth going? To avoid the regret of wanting to get with someone. Most of the populations regrets comes from dating someone. An easy way to avoid the regret of wanting to get with someone is to know their history with their ex and to focus on their personality. If you see that a persone has been through a lot of boyfriends/girlsfriends and their personality isn't attractive than right there you'll know if its worth getting with that person or not. Regrets will come and go but the only way to learn from them is to go through them. Sometimes a regret could help you face your fears or could help you to take the next step in your life but to do so you have to take your chances, you cant let life tackle you, you have to go and tackle life or else your going no where.

''I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done''-Lucille Ball