Friday, December 12, 2014

5 regrets part 2

In my previous blog, I talked about 5 important regrets. Today I’m going to talk about 5 more important regrets. Let’s start with number one, 1) Not learning another language. Learning other languages at a young age is very good. It’s a good way to communicate with other people who don’t really know you’re languages, and it is also a very easy and great way to get a job. The more languages you know, the easier it is to get a job. 2) Staying in a bad relationship. By staying in a bad relationship you cause more stress and depression towards yourself. Enjoying your life when you have the chance is better than ruining it for someone else. 3) Missing the chance to see your favorite musician. It’s better to see your favorite musician earlier because you never know what could happen. It’s better to see them when you have the chance. 4) Letting yourself be defined by gender roles. The way you see other people doesn’t mean that’s how you have to be. Be yourself or else you’re life you’ll be someone fake and would be following other people’s footsteps. 5) Not being grateful. This is a big problem in society. A lot of people I see always say ``I want to kill myself``, ``I don’t like it``, ``I wish I was like that``, ``I wish I had that``. You got to be grateful for what you have and enjoy your life. There are a lot of people who don’t have what you have and wish they did. Enjoy what you have before you don’t have it anymore.

These last 5 important regrets, you should follow. Otherwise you will live your life hatting yourself or being stressed and would have a low self-esteem 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

5 Regrets

There are a lot of regrets. Things people wish they didn’t do or things people wish they did do. But there are 5 regrets that are the most important. Let’s start with the first one. 1) Traveling when you had the chance. Traveling gets harder as you get older.  As you get older you have a lot of people depend on your presence and you start having health problems. Travel when you’re young and enjoy your life, make memories when you’re young and start building up more from there. 2) Being afraid to do things. You cannot let you’re fear control you, control yourself and do things that you wouldn’t expect yourself to do, go on adventures and do crazy things, just have when fun before it’s too late. 3) Failing to work out and being healthy. As you are young, you’re in your prime to look good, play sports and be healthy. When you get older and  you never had any workout time as when you were a kid you’ll take a lot of medication and will walk weird. 4) Not trying hard in school. A lot of kids nowadays say that when they grow up they want to have a big house with a pool in the back, a nice car, and that they just want to be rich. But in school they have low grades. In our generation, to be successful, you need to have good grades which is lame but that’s what it is. So if you want to be rich, pay attention in class and get good grades to be successful. 5) Not listening to your parent’s advice. Now in our generation, society makes us think differently, differently than the past from where our parents were young. When you’re parents give you advice, listen to them, they know what’s best for you and they know what situation you’re in because they’ve been in the same situation and they know what to do.
These 5 regrets aren’t the top 5 but there the most important to follow. You need to go on vacations and have fun, you need to be healthy and workout, you need good grades to succeed and you need to follow your parent’s advice. That way you’ll be happier in your life and you’ll have a better feature and something to remember.